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 Betreff des Beitrags: Overall View of One System of Fairness
 Beitrag Verfasst: Di 7. Jan 2014, 07:41 

Registriert: So 5. Jan 2014, 11:36
Beiträge: 323
Wohnort: Celle
Hier die Allgemeine Erklärung der natürlichen Menschenrechte, welche noch ins Englische übersetzt werden müssen, mit Link zur englischen Vergleichsversion der AEM, der einzufügen ist/eingefügt wurde/eingefügt wird!


Da die Anerkennung der angeborenen Würde und der gleichen und unveräußerlichen Rechte aller Mitglieder der Gemeinschaft der Menschen die Grundlage von Freiheit, Gerechtigkeit und Frieden in der Welt bildet,

da die Nichtanerkennung und Verachtung, sowie die Vorenthaltung der universalen und universellen Menschenrechte zu Akten der Barbarei geführt haben, die das Gewissen der Menschheit mit Empörung erfüllen, und da verkündet worden ist, daß einer Welt, in der die Menschen Rede- und Glaubensfreiheit und Freiheit von Furcht und Not genießen, das höchste Streben des Menschen gilt,

da es notwendig ist, die Menschen vor der Herrschaft des Rechtes zu schützen, damit der Mensch nicht gezwungen wird, als letztes Mittel zum Aufstand gegen Tyrannei und Unterdrückung zu greifen,

da es notwendig ist, die Entwicklung freundschaftlicher Beziehungen zwischen den Völkern zu fördern,

da die Völker der Erde in dieser Charta ihren Glauben an die grundlegenden Menschenrechte, an die Würde und den Wert der menschlichen Person und an die Gleichberechtigung von Mann und Frau erneut bekräftigen/bekräftigt haben und verbindlich beschliessen/verbindlich beschlossen haben, den sozialen Forschritt und bessere Lebensbedingungen in größerer Freiheit zu fördern,

da die Mitgliedvölker sich verpflichtet haben, in Zusammenarbeit mit den Vereinten Nationen auf die allgemeine Achtung und Einhaltung der Menschenrechte und Grundfreiheiten hinzuwirken,

da ein gemeinsames Verständnis dieser Rechte und Freiheiten von größter Wichtigkeit für die volle Erfüllung dieser Verpflichtung ist, verkünden die Menschen [sup]*)[/sup]:

diese Erklärung der Menschenrechte als das von allen Völkern umzusetzende, zu erreichende und einzuhaltende, gemeinsame Ideal, damit jeder einzelne und alle Organe der Gesellschaft sich diese Erklärung stets gegenwärtig halten und sich bemühen, durch Unterricht und Erziehung die Achtung vor diesen Rechten und Freiheiten, aber auch sich daraus ergebenden Pflichten, zu fördern und durch fortschreitende nationale und internationale Maßnahmen ihre allgemeine und tatsächliche Anerkennung und Einhaltung durch die Bevölkerung der Mitglieder selbst, wie auch durch die Bevölkerung der ihrer jeweiligen Bereiche unterstehenden Gebiete zu gewährleisten.

Im Bewußtsein der Dynamik der universellen Menschenrechte und dieser universalen Menschenrechte,

im Bewußtsein der Einheit alles sichtbar und nicht sichtbar Existierenden und der sich damit in Verbundenheit ergebendenden, zwingenden, weiteren Existenzfähigkeit der Einheit an sich, da die Erde kein Eigentum ist, sondern nur auf Zeit geliehen und zur Einheit selbst dazugehört - auch geliehenes Eigentum verpflichtet -,

obliegt es den Menschen gemeinsam, auf diese Gewährleistung, auch in ihren jeweiligen kulturellen Unterschieden, von Jetzt und für alle Zukunft zu achten und hinzuwirken.

Artikel 1

Alle Menschen sind frei und gleich an Würde und Rechten geboren. Sie sind mit Vernunft und Gewissen begabt und sollen einander im Geist der Brüderlichkeit begegnen.

Artikel 2

Abs. 1 - Jeder hat Anspruch auf die in dieser Erklärung verkündeten Rechte, Freiheiten und Pflichten ohne irgendeinen Unterschied, etwa nach Rasse, Hautfarbe, Geschlecht, Sprache, Religion, politischer oder sonstiger Überzeugung, nationaler/volksstämmiger oder sozialer Herkunft, Vermögen, Geburt oder sonstigem Stand.

Abs. 2 - Des weiteren darf kein Unterschied gemacht werden auf Grund der politischen, rechtlichen oder internationalen Stellung des Landes oder Gebiets, dem eine Person angehört, gleichgültig ob dieses unabhängig ist, unter Treuhandschaft steht, keine Selbstregierung besitzt oder sonst in seiner Souveränität eingeschränkt ist.

Artikel 3

Jeder hat das Recht auf Leben, Freiheit und Sicherheit der Person.

Artikel 4

Niemand darf in Sklaverei oder Leibeigenschaft gehalten werden; Sklaverei und Sklavenhandel sind in allen ihren Formen verboten.

Artikel 5

Niemand darf der Folter oder grausamer, unmenschlicher oder erniedrigender Behandlung oder Strafe unterworfen werden.

Artikel 6

Jeder hat das Recht, überall als rechtsfähig anerkannt zu werden.

Artikel 7

Alle Menschen sind vor dem Gesetz gleich und haben ohne Unterschied Anspruch auf gleichen Schutz durch das Gesetz. Alle haben Anspruch auf gleichen Schutz gegen jede Diskriminierung, die gegen diese Erklärung verstößt, und gegen jede Aufhetzung zu einer derartigen Diskriminierung.

Artikel 8

Jeder hat Anspruch auf einen wirksamen Rechtsbehelf bei den zuständigen Volksgerichten gegen Handlungen, durch die seine ihm nach der Verfassung oder nach dem Gesetz zustehenden Grundrechte verletzt werden.

Artikel 9

Niemand darf willkürlich festgenommen, in Haft gehalten oder des Landes verwiesen werden.

Artikel 10

Jeder hat bei der Feststellung seiner Rechte und Pflichten sowie bei einer gegen ihn erhobenen strafrechtlichen Beschuldigung in voller Gleichheit Anspruch auf ein gerechtes und öffentliches Verfahren vor einem unabhängigen und unparteiischen Gericht.

Artikel 11

Abs. 1 - Jeder, der wegen einer strafbaren Handlung beschuldigt wird, hat das Recht, als unschuldig zu gelten, solange seine Schuld nicht in einem öffentlichen Verfahren, in dem er alle für seine Verteidigung notwendigen Garantien gehabt hat, gemäß dem Gesetz nachgewiesen ist.

Abs. 2 - Niemand darf wegen einer Handlung oder Unterlassung verurteilt werden, die zur Zeit ihrer Begehung nach innerstaatlichem oder internationalem Recht nicht strafbar war. Ebenso darf keine schwerere Strafe als die zum Zeitpunkt der Begehung der strafbaren Handlung angedrohte Strafe verhängt werden.

Artikel 12

Niemand darf willkürlichen Eingriffen in sein Privatleben, seine Familie, seine Wohnung und seinen Schriftverkehr oder Beeinträchtigungen seiner Ehre und seines Rufes ausgesetzt werden. Jeder hat Anspruch auf rechtlichen Schutz gegen solche Eingriffe oder Beeinträchtigungen.

Artikel 13

Abs. 1 - Jeder hat das Recht, sich innerhalb eines Volksgebietes frei zu bewegen und seinen Aufenthaltsort frei zu wählen.

Abs. 2 - Jeder hat das Recht, jedes Volksgebiet, einschließlich seines eigenen, zu verlassen und in sein Volksgebiet zurückzukehren.

Artikel 14

Abs. 1 - Jeder hat das Recht, in anderen Volksgebieten vor Verfolgung Asyl zu suchen und zu genießen.

Abs. 2 - Dieses Recht kann nicht in Anspruch genommen werden im Falle einer Strafverfolgung, die tatsächlich auf Grund von Verbrechen nichtpolitischer Art oder auf Grund von Handlungen erfolgt, die gegen die Ziele und Grundsätze der universellen Gemeinschaft der Völker verstoßen.

Artikel 15

Abs. 1 - Jeder hat das Recht auf eine Volksangehörigkeit.

Abs. 2 - Niemandem darf seine Volksangehörigkeit willkürlich entzogen noch das Recht versagt werden, seine Volksanghörigkeit zu wechseln.

Artikel 16

Abs. 1 - Heiratsfähige Frauen und Männer haben ohne Beschränkung auf Grund der Rasse, der Staatsangehörigkeit oder der Religion das Recht zu heiraten und eine Familie zu gründen. Sie haben bei der Eheschließung, während der Ehe und bei deren Auflösung gleiche Rechte.

Abs. 2 - Eine Ehe darf nur bei freier und uneingeschränkter Willenseinigung der künftigen Ehegatten geschlossen werden.

Abs. 3 - Die Familie ist die natürliche Grundeinheit der Gesellschaft und hat Anspruch auf Schutz durch Gesellschaft und Volksgemeinschaft.

Artikel 17

Abs. 1 - Jeder hat das Recht, sowohl allein als auch in Gemeinschaft mit anderen Eigentum innezuhaben.

Abs. 2 - Niemand darf willkürlich seines Eigentums beraubt werden.

Artikel 18

Jeder hat das Recht auf Gedanken-, Gewissens- und Religionsfreiheit; dieses Recht schließt die Freiheit ein, seine Religion oder Überzeugung zu wechseln, sowie die Freiheit, seine Religion oder Weltanschauung allein oder in Gemeinschaft mit anderen, öffentlich oder privat durch Lehre, Ausübung, Gottesdienst und Kulthandlungen zu bekennen

Artikel 19

Jeder hat das Recht auf Meinungsfreiheit und freie Meinungsäußerung; dieses Recht schließt die Freiheit ein, Meinungen ungehindert anzuhängen sowie über Medien jeder Art und ohne Rücksicht auf Grenzen Informationen und Gedankengut zu suchen, zu empfangen und zu verbreiten.

Artikel 20

Abs. 1 - Alle Menschen haben das Recht, sich friedlich zu versammeln und zu Vereinigungen zusammenzuschließen.

Abs. 2 - Niemand darf gezwungen werden, einer Vereinigung anzugehören.

Artikel 21

Abs. 1 - Jeder hat das Recht, an der Gestaltung der öffentlichen Angelegenheiten seines Landes/Volksgebietes unmittelbar oder durch frei gewählte Vertreter mitzuwirken.

Abs. 2 - Jeder hat das Recht auf gleichen Zugang zu öffentlichen Ämtern in seinem Lande/Volksgebiet.

Abs. 3 - Der Wille des Volkes bildet die Grundlage für die Autorität der öffentlichen Gewalt/Gestaltung; dieser Wille muß durch regelmäßige, unverfälschte, allgemeine und gleiche Wahlen mit geheimer Stimmabgabe oder in einem gleichwertigen freien Wahlverfahren zum Ausdruck kommen.

Artikel 22

Jeder hat als Mitglied der Gesellschaft das Recht auf soziale Sicherheit und Anspruch darauf, durch innere Maßnahmen der Vereinigung und internationale Zusammenarbeit, sowie unter Berücksichtigung der Organisation und der Mittel jeder Volksgruppe/Volksvereinigung in den Genuß der wirtschaftlichen, sozialen und kulturellen Rechte zu gelangen, die für seine Würde und die freie Entwicklung seiner Persönlichkeit unentbehrlich sind.

Artikel 23

Abs. 1 - Jeder hat das Recht auf Arbeit, auf freie Berufswahl, auf gerechte und befriedigende Arbeitsbedingungen sowie auf Schutz vor Arbeitslosigkeit.

Abs. 2 - Jeder, ohne Unterschied, hat das Recht auf gleichen Lohn für gleiche Arbeit.

Abs. 3 - Jeder, der arbeitet, hat das Recht auf gerechte und befriedigende Entlohnung, die ihm und seiner Familie eine der menschlichen Würde entsprechende Existenz sichert, gegebenenfalls ergänzt durch andere soziale Schutzmaßnahmen.

Abs. 4 - Jeder hat das Recht, zum Schutz seiner Interessen Gewerkschaften zu bilden und solchen beizutreten.

Artikel 24

Jeder hat das Recht auf Erholung und Freizeit und insbesondere auf eine vernünftige Begrenzung der Arbeitszeit und regelmäßigen bezahlten Urlaub.

Artikel 25

Abs. 1 - Jeder hat das Recht auf einen Lebensstandard, der seine und seiner Familie Gesundheit und Wohl gewährleistet, einschließlich Nahrung, Kleidung, Wohnung, ärztlicher Versorgung und Gewährleistung notwendiger sozialer Leistungen, sowie das Recht auf Sicherheit im Falle von Arbeitslosigkeit, Krankheit, Invalidität oder Verwitwung, im Alter, sowie bei anderweitigem Verlust seiner Unterhaltsmittel durch unverschuldete Umstände.

Abs. 2 - Mütter und Kinder haben Anspruch auf besondere Fürsorge und Unterstützung. Alle Kinder, eheliche wie außereheliche, genießen den gleichen sozialen Schutz.

Artikel 26

Abs. 1 - Jeder hat das Recht auf Bildung. Die Bildung ist unentgeltlich, zum mindesten der Grundschulunterricht und die grundlegende Bildung. Der Grundschulunterricht ist obligatorisch. Fach- und Berufsschulunterricht müssen allgemein verfügbar gemacht werden, und der Hochschulunterricht muß allen gleichermaßen entsprechend ihren Fähigkeiten offenstehen.

Abs. 2 - Die Bildung muß auf die volle Entfaltung der menschlichen Persönlichkeit und auf die Stärkung der Achtung vor den Menschenrechten und Grundfreiheiten gerichtet sein. Sie muß zu Verständnis, Toleranz und Freundschaft zwischen allen Nationen und allen rassischen oder religiösen Gruppen beitragen.

Abs. 3 - Die Eltern haben ein vorrangiges Recht, die Art der Bildung zu wählen, die ihren Kindern zuteil werden soll.

Artikel 27

Abs. 1 - Jeder hat das Recht, am kulturellen Leben der Gemeinschaft frei teilzunehmen, sich an den Künsten zu erfreuen und am wissenschaftlichen Fortschritt und dessen Errungenschaften teilzuhaben.

Abs. 2 - Jeder hat das Recht auf Achtung der geistigen und materiellen Interessen, die ihm als Urheber von Werken der Wissenschaft, Literatur oder Kunst erwachsen.

Artikel 28

Jeder hat Anspruch auf eine soziale und internationale Ordnung, in der die in dieser Erklärung verkündeten Rechte, Pflichten und Freiheiten voll verwirklicht werden können.

Artikel 29

Abs. 1 - Jeder hat Pflichten gegenüber der sozialen und kooperativen Gemeinschaft, in der allein die freie und volle Entfaltung seiner Persönlichkeit, auch unter gegenseitiger Berücksichtigung und Achtung der dynamischen, angeborenen, natürlichen - damit universellen - Menschenrechte eines jeden möglich ist.

Abs. 2 - Jeder ist bei der Ausübung seiner Rechte, Pflichten und Freiheiten nur den Beschränkungen unterworfen, die das Gesetz ausschließlich zu dem Zweck vorsieht, die Anerkennung und Achtung der Rechte, Pflichten und Freiheiten anderer zu sichern und den gerechten Anforderungen der Moral, der öffentlichen Ordnung und des allgemeinen Wohles in einer demokratischen Kooperationsgesellschaft zu genügen.

Artikel 30

Keine Bestimmung dieser Erklärung darf dahin ausgelegt und der Bereich der Dynamik nicht in der Form abgeändert werden, daß sie durch den Mißbrauch des Wortes, an Gültig- und Wirksamkeit für jeden einzelnen Menschen verliert.

Zum Download der universalen, natürlichen Menschenrechte hier (z. Z. nur in deutscher und englischer Übersetzung - MOMENTAN NUR IN DEUTSCH -)





Zum Vergleich hier die AEM (Allgemeine Erklärung der Menschenrechte der UNO:

Counsel law (NACH WIKIPEDIA)

Dieser nachfolgende Abschnitt fehlt in der Übersetzung bei Wikipedia! Somit selbst übersetzen...:

Die Allgemeine Erklärung der Menschenrechte ist keine verbindliche Rechtsquelle des Völkerrechts.[5] Sie wurde mit der Resolution 217 A (III)[6] der UN-Vollversammlung eingeführt. Die Erklärung ist also kein völkerrechtlicher Vertrag und daher nicht als solcher verbindlich.

United Nations Human Rights

Here as PDF!

[sup]*)][/sup] Die Allgemeine Erklärung der natürlichen Menschenrechte ist eine verbindliche Rechtsquelle, da das Völkerrecht der Natürlichkeit der Menschen als natürliche Personen, die - widerum - den natürlichen Menschenrechten als natürliche Gemeinschaft unterstehen, untersteht.

[ Editiert von Administrator Michael Wargowski am 15.09.12 17:34 ]

Is there anybody out there?

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  Verfasst: Di 7. Jan 2014, 07:41 

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 Betreff des Beitrags: Re: Overall View of One System of Fairness
 Beitrag Verfasst: Di 7. Jan 2014, 08:16 

Registriert: So 5. Jan 2014, 11:36
Beiträge: 323
Wohnort: Celle
The universell dynamic underlying Human Rights

1. letter to the people of the world

To the demanding, respected, freedom-loving nations of the world, in particular to the peoples, which were adversary in the first and second World War against the Deutsches Reich.

In the trust of your fairness and the sake of freedom the subscriber pleases the nations of the world, helping the German people, getting their whole national sovereignty after World War II throughout a solution of constitution of the German people analogy back with the law of nations and the Basic Constitutional Law for the Federal Republic of Germany (article 146).

Peace - yes, peace of the world can only accomplish, if sovereign nations look (accompany) alike each other negotiate the terms.

Economic balance can only compass, either, if global competition change into planetary cooperation.

Therefor it is necessary, that contracts between the nations by means of the nations among themselfes will must confirmed and that the economic and monetary mastery of the industrial-military complex will be drained, which currently authoritative the policy.

In all nations the industrial-military complex act and other, with this federate, undemocratic organizations; they have utilized the democracy and monetary system like implements to control the nations. "Subjection of the nations through debt" one of their maxim call.

Against these almighty emerging power structure we stand up and announce our freedom and autonomy. Thus we abort the toleration one of another still abiding heterenomy by the allies war profiteer and one the sake of freedom- and self-determination of the German people disregardful administration, controlled from the USA. Our today living German generation has no war begun and not intend to do so, too. We intend according to international law carry the still dominant amistice amicable into a peace.

Prof. Carlo Schmid: "... the Hague Convention almost prohibit interventionistical sanctions of permanent guises."

The international law says, that 60 years after the end of combat operation between nations the underdog must become allowed a contract of peace. Until today, 63 years after the capitulation of the German Armed Forces and the adjustment from hostilities, it isn't done.

Therefor of another still atone the today living relatives of the German people for the defeat of war of their grandparents and ancestors in different, also financial form. Because of that and coz of the prevailing, political category has consciously failed to do after the reunification - East- with West-Germany - to bring about a decision for one constitution of adjudication, according article 146 BCL FRG, throug the whole German nation.

We, the subscriber, bring out: These disrespect of the through the allies authorised BCL of the FRG occurs not with the sake of the German people, peculiar against.

That's why we pleases the nations of the world for help, as while you report about our concern in your media and/or supporting us in other forms.

No clout of the world can gathering with the truth and it in perpetuity deter to be revealed. In the meantime it's in Germany well-established, that since 1990 - the year of the reunification - one illegitimate administration the sovereignty of the Nation anticipate and the German people shall be engineer to a nation of slaves.

It will be time to stand up and make an end this crime against humanity. Because the repression of the German people is an ideal for the repression against other nations, which want to live in republic freedom and democracy.

The capital for repressions of the nations are the same or analogue all over the world:

"Enslavement per debt"! Has been already mentioned;

... Anymore the educational clout of argument of the media will be used about to disorient so the nations of the world;

... We all know the "deregulation of markets" (particularly the capital markets);

... and the privatization, erstwhile, of property owned by the people/the infrastructure of the states.

These are more instruments for disfranchisement of the free born nations of the world with the target:

the total existence - plants, animals, humans - of the planet make tributary interests of private economic and unifier egoistic major people.

Policy activities of the dominants for establishment one dictatorial and centralistic conducted European Union or one North American Free Trade Union (NAFTA) chase the same target: to construct one absolutistic state, one absolutistic world domination, the grave of all individual freedom of the humans and the human rights.

* * *

The democracy has it's modern roots in the time of enlightenment. The declaration of the generally human rights on December, 1948 by 198 states of the world in the UNO celebrate in this year, 2008, it's 60. birthday.

Sadly we found, that it's not succesful since that time, these fundamental rights of the individual to enforce effective validity in respective national rights.

That's a moot point to ask, who has avoid this, coz of that people in the respective states in the policy, which has had the possibillity, to establish this rights, has ever predominant act for the monetary and aplication-interests of the industrial-military complex and it's confederates and preferably wars organized and needle so, as to conduce to the respective nations and leverage the general human rights for enforcement for everybody.

These misfeasance of the democracy must be terminated.

The nature of the human ought to keep at in the world.
The human should and may become not abase to a customer.
This conflict complete his human dignity.

The political character of the human give an opinion in the people as sovereignty of the people and compose the base of democracy.
"All major is coming out of the people" is the fundament of the national democracy.

Coz of that an international community has not the assignment to comand and control the people of the nations; it must become an expression of the sovereignty of the people (not of the governors).

While the governors are not in the respective structure of a state the sovereignty of the people accept and convert, this shall must accomplish from the people by their self. These cruelty, responsible assignment we, the subscriber, confront us.

Analogue to the state - "All major is coming out of the people" - must for the republican and democratic meaning international community consider: "All major is coming out of the human race". The at the time existing UNO not equates to this condition and must become therefor also democratic restructure. The same does for further supra-national organisations.

As free and responsible individuals we deny us the abuseded appearance democratical organisations and has us posed under self-administration with the target, these self-administration principal give up, when real, from the sake of the people in free decision arisen, democratic orgaisations will be existent. Until this we respect only one ordinary courts, one which abide by the general terms of human rights and set into national right without restrictions.

60 years after declaration of the general terms of human rights and after hundreds of years of the history of the humans we can leastwise demand this.

For the German people we demand likewise one process, which tends to one through the people constituted republical, democratical constitution, which as well the still valid constitution of the 2. "Deutsches Reich", as the illegal perpetuated occupying forces' law (the BCL for the FRG).

Principal then the new Germany as similar nation under look alike each other negotiate a contract of peace with the alumnus opponents of war.

Although it is to consider, that the population, which lives on the area of the German Reich (1937) and currently is under polish administration, appointed in free decision, whether they will live in Poland, in Germany or self-contained. Thus is necessary, because the UNO-Resolution 190 III from 1948, the Treaty of Potsdam, the Federal Constitutional Court and the rationality this allot exactly. One sovereignty of the people is indivisible, unless one peace of the people become definite detained at the free decision or elect in free decision to receive one seperate majestic dignity!

In line with one treaty of peace are to be the demise clause of enemy states, the SHAEF-ordinances and the Transition Agreement become cancelled and all, the sovereignty of the German people relevant identures need become audited in consideration of their compatibility with the new basic law of Germany and become, should the situation arise, modified in terms of one peaceful termination.

Sovereignty of the people only evolve from, if first the people, respectively successional one through the people legitimated representation, the authority of authorities has include.

Peace only come into existence, when the people have respect ahaed each other and the other mode of life accept, while not become through these modes of life the general terms of human rights constricted. The subscribers intend no more differ between developing countries, emerging markets and the industrialised countries, but every sovereign state as having equal rights and without setting something apart deprecative criteria. Therefor we exclaim all people for help, the German people to assist so one's national sovereignty chalk up once again and one violent altercation, particularly with the USA, or other worldwide powers, to beware.

The world public we exclaim to testify by the intention, accomplish one real nemesis for right of man democracy in one republican state.

Thus we plead about diplomatic assign marks from every state, which our liberal and peaceable ambition protect and aid so.

We assure, that our ambition is apply oneself the peace in the world, international and planetary cooperation and that we are unbending espousal for the right of self-determination of the people.

Let sound the call according freedom, because the liberal peace is the only way in one more livable, human future!


1. Bernd Matthes - Seershausen - Deutschland -
2. Thomas Göhler - Dolgen am See - Deutschland /Mecklenburg -

Unterzeichner aus Solidarität und gedanklicher Übereinstimmung:/Subscriber in solidarity and mental accordance:

1. Michael Landgraf-Roos - Wathlingen - Deutschland -
2. Klaus Jäger - Moers - Deutschland -
3. Detlef Paulus - Saarbrücken-Ensheim - Deutschland -
4. Konrad Fitz - Schwedt - Deutschland -
5. Gerd Flegelskamp - Offenbach - Deutschland -
6. Carmen Matthes - Seershausen - Deutschland -
7. Janca Schiller - Seershausen - Deutschland -

Translated by the layman: Michael Landgraf-Roos. Excusing for errors in the translation! If you'll find one or more mistakes or will have some better words, send an e-mail to Thanks!

Is there anybody out there?

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 Betreff des Beitrags: Re: Overall View of One System of Fairness
 Beitrag Verfasst: Di 7. Jan 2014, 08:32 

Registriert: So 5. Jan 2014, 11:36
Beiträge: 323
Wohnort: Celle
First Amendment to the letter to the nations:
(Version 1.1. from 16.7.2008)

Fairness and Volition of Freedom

The Universal Declaration of Human Rights of the United Nations are standing below the proviso, that the appliance of the human rights may not violate against the strategic objectives law of the United Nations. Therefor it is an illusion, to put this human rights into national legislation.
The UNO, more global organizations and state governments are, how described in the letter to the people, a peace of the relative closed clout elite. The outcome of this is the imperative and basic necessity to compose one right of man charter, which the people could agree with by theirselfes, and which are not become put over the people from the mighty authorities in their respective countries.

Herefrom follows in the face of the letter to the people, the constitutional action and the self-administration of the Milanstation and all subscribers:

The right of man must constitute the head of abandonment of a right; therefor the UN-Charter of human rights could not be identic with the right of man by itself.

The first amendment to the letter to the nations also is essentiell, while leastwise 5 basic standards become defined, which universal could should have the same status:

Item 1 The dignity of the human in line with the alliance
Item 2 Force and its minimisation
Item 3 The ambition to truthfulness
Item 4 Cogitations-, conscience- and religious freedom
Item 5 The freedom of the animus

Hereby the subscribers account for, that the call for souvereignty of the people and nations accordant the letter to the people on the basis of following fundamental value will effected as far as this is in their might.

These voluntary bond is one souvereign and constitutive misfeasance for the self-governers and one declaration of intent for the ex solidarity more subscribers in agreeing motivation.

Every organization or group or state can assert, that the 5 basic standards are fragments of their right systems be or should become, after all members of the group has given their acceptance (ratification).

The new rights of man, fragment 1:

Item 1 - The dignity of the human in line with the alliance.

1. The dignity of the humans is indefeasible.

2. The alliance of the people has to bound the dignity of every body.

The dignity contain the most importance elements of the entity human. It thinks in basis of droit and equity indispensable basis. The dignity must become allow to the greatest criminal, so that the body not it's own morality blab itself. Therefore, at primary abandonment, the body must protect the dignity of each of it's limbs with all legal means. Principal then equity and droit could approximate each other. Every droit, which will reduced on it, that precepts strict become adhere to, negate the human and demote him to a piece of a body-machine; thus admit the droit freeze. Therefor we have with Item 1 of the new rights of man the surpreme directive, which selected the measure from person and body. The social organization is for the human, not the human for the body.

Item 2 - Force and its minimisation.

1. Force is the difference between actual and potential evolvement of all humans on basis one environmental steady terra.

2. The humans commit oneself, therefore to take care of, to minimise the force.

We must know, what it is about. That's why the second Item is one definite. The force-definition is embossed by Johan Galtung, who has capture, from ours point of view, perfect the admeasurement of force and, in this definition there is the structural force contained, too. The definition is admittedly through the factor earth expanded. It should advert so on the structural piece of force, which fall back to ourselves about the loop way of the nature. We are aware, that free develop characters on one boardered earth ever themselfes stand by the way each other. Thus the reason for could acquiescent force situations again and again, and is the body perfect how ever, too. This means, that we always become confronted again with force; even that every form of indirect democracy fundamentally contains a reference to nucleus in respect of such force. Otherwise the majority of humans are could not still bearing live simply in one direct democracy. Also is the current power structure of this world so bulked, that we need one longer process to reform these world. Systrems must become diminish to make them manageable and accountable a. s. o.

Item 3 - The ambition to truthfulness.

1. It gives no from humans perceivable, objective and explicit truth.

2. The ambition to truth conditional same rights for every human.

3. In clash must one constitutional process in the sense of the rights of man become allow for all relevant people.

The Item 3 started with a definition, either. So thereby that, what boffin must add since nearly 70 years, set about to the agenda. I think there on Heisenberg, Gödel, Maturana, Varella, Förster, Feierabend a. s. o. Well, we have many millennia listen to the assertions from one objective truth and must always experience, that all the trueness turn out to be a lie. When it gives not one explicit and objective truth, what can we do? We could talk to each other in our subjective perception about one language through one common act.

Also it can only give one ambition to truth and one truthfully mode of live. The truth shows us itself only like one wind, which move the leaves or blow through our hair. We mean, the truth is here and can't hold it at the same time. Well, to build one concurrent language aerea, now every body must have the same right, to attend at this process. Even we can not say who afford us the matter of view, to disassociate one problem of truth, which evry body can feel in oneself; that means, the ambition of truth must become conscientious conducted. The constitutional action, based on the new rights of man, justified here itself by the ambition of truth.

Item 4 - Cogitations-, conscience- and religious freedom.

1. Every body has the right of cogitations-, conscience- and religious freedom.

2. This right includes the freedom, to change his religion or his view of life, either the freedom act to, his religion or view of life, allone or in alliance with other people, official or private, to respect the will of the direct relevant people in the alliance.

3. The abidance of the rights of man, of the basic liberties are in front of the conscience freedom.

For this Item was the corresponding in the UN-Charter the origin and artwork. The first two sentences are consistent to 100 %. The paragraph 3 is added, because neither the relegion, nor anything else may constitute the head of droit, peculiar the right of man must capture the supreme appointment by itself. "...and reason" could admittedly become cancelled.

Item 5 - The freedom of the animus.

1. Every body has the right, to express and diffuse his argument in word, font and illustration free.

2. Every body has the right, to inform himself unhindered about common, accessible resources.

3. One constriction of this right only then is possible, if thereby force could become minimise. To could resolve one constriction, must result from one constitutional action.

4. It's one crime, when the humans will deny one cognition, that to ecological stabilisation or minimisation of force would administrate.

The liberty of the spirit was in the history of the democracy the most important right, what has been hard-earned. Actually a long time was the freedom of press the central element of each democracy, however we have seen, that the freedom of press not suffice about dumbing down and therewith to avert governing. Well, if we as the supreme directive see the preservation of dignity, so this is as a reaction on the circumstance to see, that by oneself through latest mass media could not become accomplish the right to express your oppinion. The fiercelst weapon, the word, become blunt, when the people become inundated with informations and theirselfe out of defence admit to one culture of signal. The demand of „intellectual property“ we lean against, because it canŽt give this. Every thought build on endless objects of culture value and itselfe now apply, in accord, infinitesimal aspect of new thinking, which will added from one human, to apply, is simply arrogant.

Live out only we could in alliance, and therefor should it be at least possible, the circumvention of the appliance ogf specific cognition then not let be possible. Cognition, that can assure the live out of all of us, must obtain effect directly.

Translated by the layman: Michael Landgraf-Roos. Excusing for errors in the translation! If you'll find one or more mistakes or will have some better words, send an e-mail to Thanks!

Is there anybody out there?

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 Betreff des Beitrags: Re: Overall View of One System of Fairness
 Beitrag Verfasst: Di 7. Jan 2014, 08:50 

Registriert: So 5. Jan 2014, 11:36
Beiträge: 323
Wohnort: Celle
2. letter to the people of the world

2. Press statement from Oct. 19th, 2009 of the "Association of Natural Individuals to Advancement of the Universal Human Rights"

To the humans of the people of the world!

On September the 05th 2009 in Wolfsburg (Germany) the "Association of Natural Individuals to Advancement of the Universal Human Rights" was established. The first activity of this association well exists their in, promulgate the 2. letter to the nations of the world.

This 2. Letter is one more step, to enforce application the universal human rights.

Because we are not want keep in competition-systems caught, we approach you all, to effect that the chase of the sceptics of droit become cessation and one, the truth and equitableness commit so, disquisition can take place, how the actual situation of right in the Federal Republic of Germany resp. in Germany is.

Until this point in time all action shall put on the back burner and the chases of the sceptics of droit become terminated. That this can not become await from the justice of the FRG is consequentially, because of when the sceptics of droit be right after all, then the organised crime of the gouvernment, which regards so all government bodies of the FRG, can become verify.

The existentials dependencies of the attendants of the FRG from this governmental-delinquency force so everybody back, again and again, into the system of corruption, who mades attempts, turn towards each other the human rights.

This situation only can become thereby abrogated, while the international community of the nations press thereon for, that the sceptics of droit become protected and have one's say.

The 2. letter to the nations of the world can signed as the 1. letter and the 1. amendment, too:

Step to the letter and the signature list!

As soon as it gives tickets for signature they can use and send to the following address:

Vereinigung natürlicher Menschen
c/o Bernd Matthes
Osterberg 4
38536 Meinersen

Contact and additional informations can become ordered from the website [url][/url] By telephone the managing-commitee is to reach so under the number +49(0) 5372 958074 (into the German fixed line network we gladly call back).

E-Mail: Vorstand.VNM[at]

The managing-commitee of the Association of Natural Individuals to Advancement of the Universal Human Rights.

By attorney Bernd Matthes

Translated by the layman Michael Landgraf-Roos.

2.Letter to the humans of the people of the world

To the demanding, respected, freedom-loving nations of the world, to all people and organizations, which are seeing committed each other the enforcement of the Human Rights and to those, who means, they don't have to comply the universal Human Rights.

Statement natural persons to the perversion of justice of the justice of the BRD for protection of the doubter of droit.

To the Exellency of the Allies and other states, to the local stuff of the BRD, to the burghers and citizens of Germany and to the planetary public.

Since monthes we sight with sorrow, that the system of the justice of the BRD perpetrate one deflection of the right after another and we know, that it is certain, these is associated with the reduction of the state law. The reason for the deflection of the right is very simple. Through the spree of cancellation in 2006 were principal elements of the state law abolished and thereby it results one extreme loss of the right, which although some burgher have notice about soand ask the offices and referees corresponding questions, but those ignore these questions and act out of practice, as would the justice, whose fundamentals are lost, still hold true for.

That tends to result in deflection of the right, which we are look at resp. find out at our own body, because the legal hearing become refuse. Es wird dann auf Widerspruchsmöglichkeiten, die auf eben den Gesetzen beruhen, deren Gültigkeit bezweifelt wird, verwiesen und da beißt sich die Katze in den Schwanz, denn würde der Beschuldigte diesen Weg gehen, würde er im gleichen Moment das bezweifelte Gesetz anerkennen. Then it will at possibillities of antinomy, which based on even this laws, whose availability will disbelieved, reprove so and there a dog chasing its tail, coz, would the accused take this way, he would accept the disbelieved law in the same moment. So the refereer have an instrument someone either force so back into the disbelieved droit, even him account so to non compos mentis or to characterise as a grumbler, because not on the one hand a law can become disbelieve and this will use at the same time.

Anymore it is just factual impossible in the lower social levels of the community, self inside the entitative system of droit, to bail out the way of droit, because therefor would a lot of money essential or, in case of the poor law, not enough qualified lawyer could become instructed, espacially the lawyers at once fail to do that, what they has been ask for so. Then oneself complain at the chamber of lawyers, they only say succinct: "You have to look for another lawyer".

But even so, when the way of droit become utilised and actually the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) become invoke, the outcome of this is rhe situation, that violation of human rights in the BRD are penologic not triable. These are only a few examples, how in the BRD-Justice the droit become inflected, resp. the judicature is amount to deadlock.

So it is time, the BRD and, particular, the BRD-Justice for that purpose to call on so every action to be put on ice and offset into the original condition, as long as through an international committee will assess, whether:

1. the BRD is one state or only one organisation similar like a state at all, like C. Schmid it bring out.

2. the BRD-Referees are still legal referees can be according as Item 101 Basic Constitutional Law.

3. the courts of justice are still be courts from state -> cancellation of the corresponding section.

4. Laws, which are still advance to execution, coverages have or not.

5. the mission of the Federal Armed Forces, for example in Afghanistan is to describe as a mission for war or as a mission for defence. In the latter case it could no Bundestag elections proceed and the first case is forbidden analogical the Basic Constitutional Law.

As aggrieved parties and surrogates we arrogate, that the especially named burghers, which be a member of our "Association of Natural Individuals to Advancement of the Universal Human Rights" or support so this declaration of their own free will, while let untouched, till these questions be check with and it is detected, that the system of droit in its field of execution still equates the Human Rights, respectively effective in law can be.

Otherwise we arrogate at one the respective situation corresponding human rights abuse adapted reparation and hold up these receivables while until in Germany the Human Rights will have new importance.

Therefor we join ourselves at the motion of Dr. Dr. Dr. hc. Sojka, who is sadly deceased for a short time, and anticipate as Association of Natural Persons and as Association of borne human rights from all tribunals, which are bound the Human Rights, corresponding control to the maintenance of the BRD, to go into the matter of these second thoughts of droit and to protect so the disbelievers of droit.

We appointed us alike at the 1. letter to the nations and amendments to the letter to the nations, in particular the following items:

Item 1 - The dignity of the human in line with the alliance.

1. The dignity of the humans is indefeasible.

2. The alliance of the people has to bound the dignity of every body.

Item 2 - Force and its minimisation.

1. Force is the difference between actual and potential evolvement of all humans on basis one environmental steady terra.

2. The humans commit oneself, therefore to take care of, to minimise the force.

In particular the measure, to minimise the force, is not in practice of the BRD-Justice identifiable, rather in contrary through the disregarding of the legitimate questions to second thoughts of droit permanent elevated the potential for violence in the structural sector.

These we are accommodate as provocation of the BRD compared at to take its burghers.

Everybody, who participating at this provocation, must according as the present condition, anticipate for this reason become accountable in person (discontinuation of the government liability).

We underwrite everybody amnesty, who directly effective and verifiable themselves this system of violence, which through the Federal Government coz of its cancellation of some pieces of law and implementation of laws without legitimation (if the stately Wayne manor of the BRD not exist) deny so.

Reffering at the above given points becomes clearly, that the second thoughts of droit are be in public interest and our Association underscore this public interest. We are not individuals, which are from the referees can ignored. Therefor we bring this declaration into the public and send to the different organisations of the world. We arrogate the recession of all, who are not take respect at the faith at the Universal Human Rights and intend to accomplish pure governance, like the first subscriber with their cases could demonstrate.

Therefor it is not only perversion of justice, because the reasons of our second thoughts of droit become ignore so, but one employment-liability-malpractice because the acted points, when they are apply to, are one criminal offence and thus had to be obliged automatically administrate to one analysis of the prosecution.

That don't worse, too. Either, when the individual have no entitlement of the exertion of the persecution of one official delict, we underline, that one through our association representative public interest consists.

Therefor it is no more possible in the system of justice in the BRD, to abolish this second thoughts of droit of townsmen in face of the demage of some hundred billion Euros, which could impend the German folk, if our second thoughts of droit could not become eliminated.

Well, because the prosecution and the referee become accessory of one possibility organized crime, respectively betrayal of the folk could be, is due to the criminal mcode, if it is effective anymore, so that they could sue so inside of the BRD-System. But, who should still deal with that, when every referee and attorney is a part of this system and tributary of existence of it.

Therefore we arrogate at the international bodies our individuell sovereignty and to protect our Human Rights.

Either, should these our authorized thoughts of droit ignore, is reflected itself, that neither the system of BRD-Justice, nor the system of international justice can secure the Universal Human Rights in any wise.

The consequenz of that is, that the enslavement of the humanity by now already has gone terrible truth.

Quote out of a letter of the Central Council of the Europeen Townsmen:

Als eine Menschenrechtsorganisation haben wir im Laufe unserer Arbeit festgestellt, daß deutsche Gesetze teilweise oder größtenteils grundgesetzmäßig unwirksam sind, weil sie bereits mit vorläufigem Verfassungsrang nach Art. 25 GG gegen Völkerrecht verstoßen.

Art. 6 EMRK kennt keinen verspäteten Beweisantrag und vor allen Dingen kennt Art. 6 EMRK keine unwirksame Beschwerdemöglichkeit.

Alle Verfahren in der BRD müssen eigentlich nach Art. 100 GG ein Normenkontrollverfahren durchlaufen, insbesondere nach Art. 100 II GG. Dies ergibt sich aus Art. 1 GG, daß die Menschenrechte und somit die Menschenwürde unantastbar ist. Alle staatlichen Organe haben die Pflicht, die umfassende Menschenwürde unter Beachtung der Menschenrechte zu schützen und zu achten.

Viele Menschen machen in Deutschland nach verkündetem Unrecht gegen sie von ihrem grundgesetz- und/oder verfassungsrechtlichen Widerstand gemäß RÖMISCHES STATUT DES INT. STRAFGERICHTSHOFS nach Art. 7 IStGB als Verbrechen gegen die Menschlichkeit (Art. 20 IV, 25, 100 II GG) Gebrauch.

Die BRD ist ein wirtschaftliches Gebilde unter Militärhoheit und besitzt inzwischen seit 1990 weder ein gültiges Grundgesetz noch eine in freier Entscheidung des deutschen Volkes gewählte Verfassung. Man kann also ein Verfahren ohne die wesentliche verfassungsrechtliche Grundeigenschaft eines Rechtstaates nicht betreiben, denn kein Gesetz ohne Verfassung und keine Verfassung ohne die Legitimation durch das Volk (Art. 1,20,23 a. F., 120,133,146 GG). Gem. Art. 1 GG und Art. 13 EMRK sind die Behörden verpflichtet, eine wirksame Abhilfe zu schaffen, denn sonst entstehen so Menschenrechtsverletzungen in Folge.

Der Grund für die Nichtigkeitserklärung und das Widerstandsrecht der Bürger liegt darin, daß der Recht(s)staat (Art. 20 I GG) einen effektiven Recht(s)schutz neben der verfassungsgemäßen Legitimation bieten muß. Wären diese wesentlichen Eigenschaften beachtet worden, so würden sich die Beschwerden der Menschen auflösen, denn der Staat ist mit all seinen Organen und Institutionen nach Art. 1 GG verpflichtet, die Menschenrechte zu achten und zu schützen.


Schutz von Menschenrechtsverteidigern- Leitlinien der Europäischen Union-Annex doc 10111/06 Le Conseil a adopté, en juin 2004, des orientations de l'UE concernant les défenseurs des droits de l'homme (doc. 10056/1/04) en vue d'améliorer l'action que l'Union européenne mèn de longue date pour protéger et soutenir les défenseurs des droits de l'homme.


Guideline: The EU should pay attention to the from theirself to the defender of the Human Rights vectored help, consider their special requirements, as well as their personal protection!

End of quote.

As an "Annexation" of Natural Humans for Advancement of the Universal Human Rights, we are one organization of the Human Rights.

Initial-Subscriber as aggrieved party and/or Initiators:

01. Herr Matthes, Bernd - Seershausen - Niedersachsen / Deutschland -
02. Herr Marks, André - Wolfsburg – Niedersachsen / Deutschland
03. Herr Fitz, Konrad - Schwedt/Oder - Brandenburg / Deutschland
04. Herr Häußinger, Karl Heinz - Pirna - Sachsen / Deutschland -
05. Herr Landgraf-Roos, Michael - Wathlingen - Niedersachsen / Deutschland
06. Herr Sonnenkalb, Mike Frank - Münsingen - Baden-Württemberg / Deutschland
07. Herr Kuhse, Thorsten - Hamburg – Deutschland
08. Frau Matthes, Carmen - Seershausen - Niedersachsen / Deutschland
09. Herr Siemers, Jan-Henrik - Gifhorn - Niedersachsen / Deutschland
10. Herr Göhler, Thomas - Dolgen am See - Mecklenburg / Deutschland

Subscriber in solidarity and mental accordance:

1. Herr Paulus, Detlef - Saarbrücken-Ensheim - Deutschland -

Zur Unterschriftenliste:

Translated by the layman: Michael Landgraf-Roos. Excusing for errors in the translation! If you'll find one or more mistakes or will have some better words, send an e-mail to Thanks!

Is there anybody out there?

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 Betreff des Beitrags: Re: Overall View of One System of Fairness
 Beitrag Verfasst: Di 7. Jan 2014, 09:34 

Registriert: So 5. Jan 2014, 11:36
Beiträge: 323
Wohnort: Celle
2. Amendment to the letter to the people of the world

The board of directors of the Association of Natural Individuals to Advancement of the Universal Human Rights announces on January 15th, 2010:

To the humans of the people of the world!

One more step has been taken on the long road to freedom and peace. By January 08th, 2010, the initial subscription period for the 2nd Amendment was additional terminated at the letters to the peoples of the world and now the online list of signatures can be contacted at:

Other signature lists are accessible from the link above. Among other things, the 2nd Letter to the peoples of the world. In consequence of the 2nd Letter to the peoples of the world for protecting the law-doubters announces the VNM, that the pursuit of the law-skeptics continue to be carried by the FRG-justice system. The first chairman of the VNM, bernd matthes, despite the intervention of the VNM received a summons to the convicts. In spite of a timely rejection of the judge because bias was taken without his hearing a verdict. Bernd matthes was for this reason the legal order of judge and each right of defense removed. Bernd matthes will return in case of arrest immediately in his since January 14th, 2010 interrupted hunger strike and stop drinking at the same time, what about in 3-4 weeks might be the case, if the prosecutor Hildesheim and the district court of Gifhorn not be stopped in their illegal activities. There are presently in place of Bernd Matthes other people on hunger strike, which, as has already been organized in the spring of 2007, a permanent hunger strike to the concern to "resume legal certainty in Germany," supported. If the FRG Justice says that bending rules and the denial of fair hearing on a permanent basis to carry out by ignoring the input, it will have to answer for this behavior in the international public.

It is a scandal beyond compare, that the questions about the legitimacy of the FRG and the FRG judges become ignore. This would correspond exactly to the situation, where a citizen ask a policeman for his proof of (his legitimacy) and that it passes over in silence and his power arbitrarily exercised. Also, such behavior can not be tolerated in a constitutional state.

Over all, the relevant questions were about the legitimacy of the FRG, the courts, judges and according to the coverage of certain laws, which were used to the accusations, despite the detailed justifications, neither acknowledged, nor answered. If the FRG Justice the not provided answers considers to be so self-evident, it should mean in one proceeding for them no trouble, to answer it. This did not happen. Thus the first chairman of any possibility of legal recourse was taken. This scandal of apparent material breaches and perversion of justice, clarifies the status of the legal system of the FRG as a whole, what through appropriate television reports governed by public law broadcast stations are also confirmed (see "muzzle for the prosecutor"). Bernd matthes may not become accuse by any stretch of the imagination, that he would come to a punishment of an offense around, because the magnitude of risking punishment is ridiculous. If it were up to millions, that would be a different matter. But now each of the three procedures, plus the new, not yet opened proceedings, have been carried out with the perversion of justice, because the cognitive requirement was ignored. None of the counts of the indictment is valid and justified. If the legal opinion from Bernd Matthes, however, true, contain the evidence put forward evidence of fraud in the billions.

The prosecution has still not been deemed necessary, investigate these references as ex officio. Here, too, is assume one material breache, because the loss of several billion euros, die die deutschen Bürgern zu tragen haben, is reason enough. The VNM is now asking the public prosecutor of Hildesheim and the district court Gifhorn, immediate stop preparations of prosecution and align oneself with after the 2. letter to the peoples of the world, therefore set aside the illegal sentences and operate the clarification of legal doubt.

The consequences are in terms of damages the prosecution has already disclosed. A list of claims for damages for loss of human rights will be part of further investigations against the persons concerned. The case "bernd matthes" is not the only one currently known case of the VNM and also applies in other cases the above. A state, FRG, which can only derive its legitimacy to occupation law way, is not a state of the people, that he accommodate.

An association which, is constituted in the form of direct democratic, without anyone having asked for permission, has more sovereignty, than such a structure, such as the FRG. The well-known trick that shows 3-element theory put forward as an argument to prevent the sovereignty of the people by the territory is regarded as a crucial point for the formation of a state to us that people can only exercise its sovereign right to possess the land.

This ownership of land is derived through basic books and history and shows us that never have stopped the quasi feudal structures, and only just civilized itself. Therefore, it is necessary to conform to the human right to equality before the law, that may be the occupation of the land, or land ownership, not a criterion for action to undermine the innate right of man, and thus deprive the people of the sovereignty.

It must necessarily be a form of association, that without country, within the meaning of a state, can constitute its own right. The constitution of the human ability is the ultimate human right, the essentiality right of all people, which can lead to an association of people. It is this law provides the rule of law in the original meaning and prevent the corruption of the legal system to a mere political order.

The Board:

andré marks
conrad fitz
bernd matthes

Translated by the layman: michael landgraf-roos. This is one accurate, but not normative translation; in case of doubt the German original text governs.

Is there anybody out there?

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 Betreff des Beitrags: Re: Overall View of One System of Fairness
 Beitrag Verfasst: Di 7. Jan 2014, 09:36 

Registriert: So 5. Jan 2014, 11:36
Beiträge: 323
Wohnort: Celle
Second Amendment to the letter to the nations:
(Version 1.0.1 from 4.1.2010)

Justice form Emerges from Function of Truthfulness, Courageousness and Faithful Scruple

Since hundred of years succesfull it is specific groups of humans to hold might in certain circles and the biggest part of mankind to restrain for their purposes. Therefor it is not astonishing, that in defiance of intelligence in Europe, and the implementation of democracy in some countries, no major improvement is done in the matter of human rights.

The structural dispartment of authorities of the state and private authorities become to force open this time, coz the commercial law (law of the sea) everywhere is advancing forward and the common law (constitutional law) everywhere become destroyed. With this move of the affilated groups we have count since the beginning of the 20th century, but these became discount as a complot.

Meanwhile we see everywhere, that the cash flow become admit bigger liberties, than the humans.

Therefor we have couched the 2. Amendment to the letter to the nations and ratify this text with helping instrument of direct domecracy.

We face up to the problems of interconnectedness, which one unleash believe of globalisation makes possible, coz nothing balk manager more, as have to give up their control.

Globalisation without networks is not possible. That understand those in power and we, too, but we do not want a globalisation, assort a planetisation. The mash of sovereign groups is our answer for the not democratic legalized organisations of the world and will become possible through this 2. Amendment.


Item 6 - The Right of Free Expansion of the Identity and the Social Being Human
Item 7 - Deserve Protection of Natural Groups
Item 8 - Freedom of Ensembly, Right to Resist and Social Defense
Item 9 - Groups in Alliance (Freedom of Association, Freedom of Cooperation)
Item 10 - Freedom of Territory and Transformation of the States in Sovereign Alliances of Regions


Item 6 - The Right of Free Expansion of the Identity and the Social Being Human.

(1) The human has a right of individuality and sociality.

(2) The human anxious to form his own charakter free in the meaning of the human rights.

Annotation to Item 6:
The word person, which is also mask, shows us that human must be able to respond differently to different environment conditions to; can have so different "roles" of it, which are the situation accordingly. A society of labor will produce literally such a role relationships and our cultures are full of these role relationships. A free development will also says that people should have the opportunity to slip into any role.

A mask does not necessarily mean that something is to be hidden, to hide it, but to emphasize something else.

Therefore, the development of personality is a human right which can be expressed only in the community and can also lead to conflicts within the community if the wrong is hidden.

The combination of individuality and sociality in paragraph 1 includes the two principles of subsidiarity and participation, it work here as a concerted directional principles. Subsidiarity within a hierarchy of decisions shifted from top to bottom. Decisions should be taken there, is located where the task. Participation prevents the individual due to the subsidiarity principle will be saddled with something that the individual can not afford. Neither the claim to ownership, nor the right to participation will be completely understood, because they form a scale. The legal system (Judges) therefore must tradeoff between both positions.

Please also read to the PIM Sample: "Subsidiarity and participation - or how to eliminate the fundamental rights without touching it."

Item 7 - Deserve Protection of Natural Groups.

(1) Eminently deserve protected natural groups are near to nature biotic communities in terms private partnerships, families and clans. They compose the element of the community on base of the individuals.

(2) Everyone has the right to live in a private partnership as near to nature biotic communities and to leave again. It generate the premise for families.

(3) Families has one kind of a key position for survival. Therefor the community has to countenance and protect them emenently.

(4) Clans can act for the asset of the culture beyond of generations. By the way, one emenently control, same as emenently protection of the community is essential.

(5) The rights of the families are standing higher, than the the rights of partnerships and clans.

Annotation to Item 7:
The polymorphic groups, which become count here, trying the circumstances to come toward several cultures. The smalest group is the family, coz it needs leastwise three persons to apply as a group. That these needs a specific deserve of protection, goes without saying. But it gives more groups, for which specific rights and duties could apply, which in this Item become defined.

Item 8 - Freedom of Ensembly, Right to Resist and Social Defense.

(1) Freedom of Ensembly. All humans have the right, to assemble themselfes peaceable and come together in annexations.

(2 ) Nobody may forced, to be a member of an annexation.

(3) Right to self-government and Resist. If the guaratees of the rights of the humans (Item 1 § 2) through the dispartment of authorities of the state or private authorities receive no consideration, the sovereignty redounds upon the individual. The outcome of this is first the right of self-government and then the right of resist. Item 2 § 2 makes the right of resist at the same time to a liability.

(4) Social Defense. Everybody, organised or not, has the right to arrange one social defense, if the human rights are become threaten through occupants or through dispartment of authorities of the state.

(5) Personal Treaty of Peace. Every human can make with every other human or groups of humans one personal treaty of peace. Treaties of peace are not a subject for authorities of the state.

(6) Right of Petition. Every body, if apart or not or in the group, has the right, to adjust petitions to collective associations.

Annotation to Item 8:
To give an idea of existing rights be based on the power of one community. Here are assambled the democratic basic rights, which assure each one adverse the community rights, which apply the community the duties due to appreciate the individual.

Item 9 - Groups in Alliance (Freedom of Association, Freedom of Cooperation).

(1) Right of Residence. Everybody has a right of his residence. Injuries of this right may place only then, when extraordinary circumstances makke that essential and one compensation become initiate, which is evidence for protecting relevant people. The circumstances and the compensation must become specified with one law of balancing.

(2) Local Groups (Local Authority). Each one has a right at participation for admin the local community.

(3) Unions, Associations, Foundations. Each one has the right to arrange and bustle unions, associations and foundations. Unions, Associations and Foundations, which conduce to general public interest should become aided from the community. Full particulars one specific law of area arrange, in which become arranged the conditions for grants and the conditions for admission.*1

(4) Organisations. Each one has the right to arrange and bustle organisations. These one can have natural as well as legal members of. Every member of one organisation has the same rights and duties inside the organisation.

(5) Companies. Each one has the right to arrange and bustle companies. The biggness of a company can be subject to restrictions. The employees in employment of one company have a right to be out for co-determination, fair compensation and hols.

(6) Universe. Individual and juristic persons have the right of combination in universe. Thereby must respected the sovereignty of each person.

(7) Virtual Communities. Each one has the right to constitute virtual communities. They can exist in all forms of groups.

(8) Constitutional Borne Associations. Each one has the right to constitute associations with others together, which constitute in free-term self-determination one constitution. This constitution must respect and move the right of mankind.

(9) States and Federations. The states and federations only then has a right to exist, when the inclose population this explicit avowed with one extraordinary resolution. Those who are take issue with, has the right to call for autonomous areas or seperat each other. About the compliance with is watching the community of humans.

Annotation to Item 9:
This Item enabled us to accept new means of the right of the subject of the international law and to discontinue structures, based on old power agreements. Which alternatives does the world knows this time?

It still boils down to, is that the world is seen as a mega-machine and accordingly areas become to be established and popular sovereignty of the people are abolished. This process, which should lead to a total control (Empire-thought or shortly NWO), can be met only by the diversity is promoted and used modern technologies, help the network interconnection "states" to structure otherwise, without the sovereignty of an imperial power have to subordinate their sovereignty and thus give up.

Item 10 - Freedom of Territory and Transformation of the States in Sovereign Alliances of Regions.

(1) Standard of Constitution. The comunity of the humans has the right, to build one model of standard for states and federations foreseen in the perceived constitution, so longs for audited states and organisations like states. She has the responsibillity to set one task into operation, which processed educational and satisfy possible conflicts. She has to consider the local properties and must react in orientation for a resolution.

(2) Priority of the direct community against national community. The compliance with the Human Rights are primary allow for the individual property rights and the assertion of these property rights is one independent court of rights of the humans (CRH) with one own constitution competent (build for).

(3) Diplomatic balance for finishing national assignment (the state as one obsolescent model). The court of rights of the humans (CRH) can appeal from every human and has figment one resolution for a good understanding for both parties. He has the right, anxiety for peace obligations from every involved parties and all needed facts for the conflict.

Annotation to Item 10:
The Item 10 should arrangements of states concede rights for exist, as one changeover to more grass-roots orientated structures of admin, because, let's face the facts, there is no accordance norm of the peoples and nations this time, but rather the arrangement of states applicable is appointed through economic and power political aspects. This is true at least for great structures, whose efficiency already for a long time always doubts about.

I have intended, that in this Amendment the "new international law" offer it's home, but meanwhile I ask myself, isn't peace, resp. disarmament, rather could become capture than one from the planet concerning question of resources. Thus, first, the 2. Amendment would constitute one positive definition of the rights of the community, as one, as hitherto, to the war formalising and stabilizing factor, like the martial law.

Translated by the layman: michael landgraf-roos. This is one accurate, but not normative translation; in case of doubt the German original text governs.

[ Editiert von Administrator Michael Wargowski am 25.08.12 23:12 ]

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3. Letter to the people of the world

Note on:

Den dritten Brief an die Völker der Welt hat bisher niemand fertiggestellt (22.08.2012). Der dritte Zusatz hingegen wurde abgefasst und übersetzt. Als maßgebende Richtlinien oder Gesetze sind diese nicht geeignet und gedacht, zumal diese zu einer Zeit entstanden, da besonders viele Menschen mit allen abgeschauten Listen und Tücken doch nur ihr eigenes Ding durch- und umsetzen wollten und umzusetzen suchten und der Ruf des Widerstandes gegen alles nur tatsächliche und anscheinende Diktatorische zu weiteren Vereinzelungen beitrug und immer noch, heute aber verstärkt, beiträgt. Als Maßstab in Gedanken und bei aktuellen Überlegungen können sie jedoch sehr wohl in Betracht genommen werden und eine Richtung zu einer Menschen möglichen Verbesserung des Seins in einen Raum mit mehr Gerechtigkeit aufzeigen, stellen sie nicht nur eine moralische Erweiterung und Aufwertung der zu oberst gesetzten Menschenrechte dar, insoweit auch von den "neuen" Menschenrechten gesprochen werden kann.

Die Unterschriftenlisten zu den Briefen an die Völker und den Zusätzen sind ebenfalls immer noch online zur Unterzeichnung zu erreichen, wie es auch die Umfrage auf diesem Forum zu den Menschenrechten schlechthin ist...

Insoweit ist die immer noch ausstehende Presseerklärung der VNM hierzu gar nicht mehr notwendig und kann vernachlässigt werden. Dennoch darf man mit Spannung auf eine solche warten und schauen und einen eventuellen dritten Brief an die Völker dieser Welt mit gemeinsam bedeutendem, essentiellem Inhalt eventuell erhoffen und erwarten.

Inwieweit sich weitere Presseerklärungen und Briefe an die Völker dieser Welt und Zusätze zu den weiteren Briefen an die Völker dieser Welt ergeben werden, ist an dieser Stelle nicht abschätz- und nicht absehbar, wie auch, welches Konzept zu guter Letzt doch noch greifen kann und wird oder, ob alles Vorhandene dennoch so bleiben wird, wie es ist, bis das Maß übervoll sein und damit noch etwas ganz Anderes zu Tage fördern wird...

Somit bleibt hier zunächst nur ein [...]Platzhalter[...] für den 3. Brief an die Völker der Welt!

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 Betreff des Beitrags: Re: Overall View of One System of Fairness
 Beitrag Verfasst: Di 7. Jan 2014, 11:24 

Registriert: So 5. Jan 2014, 11:36
Beiträge: 323
Wohnort: Celle
Third Amendment to the letters to the peoples of the world:
(Version 1.0 from 4.3.2010)

The planet earth, the common homeland of the humanity, requires peace between the humans, which enables the multifaceted abilities of the individual.

The previous right of domination, based on dispartment of the humanity in winners and losers, could not ensure, that the humanity in peace and freedom could develop the full potential of the homeland of the humanity, the planet earth. Quite the contrary, ressources were used for instruments of destruction and power games and detracted forever from the humanity.

The responsible rulers could abdicate their responsibility and continuously, throughout centuries, to hold the people in fear and slavery.

Even the political average, the democracy, has been perverted into it's contrary and any participation of any human in the political process is prevented by the hindrance of learning and cyclic deprivation of means by the central-banksystem. The Third Amendment to the letters to the peoples of the world, based on the Amendments 1 and 2, in accordance with the Universal Human Rights, implements the conditions, concerning the planetary actions of human on rights at the highest level.

The signatories confirm with their signature, that a new age of planetary justice can now begin and they obligate themselves, to implementation and compliance of the Items of this Amendment.


Item 11 - Survival Community
Item 12 - Territories
Item 13 – Narrowness of the Earth
Item 14 - Information
Item 15 – Conditions for Cooperation

Item 11 - Survival Community.

(1) Humans, animals und plants form a survival community.

(2) For the surviving of the human species, it is necessary to obtain an ecologically stable earth as the basis for the next millions of years.

(3) Considering the individual and collective basic rights of Amendment 1 and 2, humans oblige to research, reconstruct and stabilize the ecological balance on earth.

(4) To this a planetary settlement is needed, which allows a cooperative way to find solutions for problems and offer every reversal, without affecting other basic rights at its constitution.

(5) A compensation fund can be arranged.

Annotation to Item 11:
Essentially this Item is self-explanatory. In Paragraph 1 and 2 reasonable facts are defined and result in an active duty of participation for everybody, for preservation of the whole extent within his/her abilities, which are formulated in Amendment 3. Paragraph 4 proposes the need for a collective arrangement and approaches this collektive arrangement, which has to be debated. A solution at problems is offered by the possibility of compensation in Paragraph 5. It is the concern of the organisation and not of the constitution, which sub-systems are established to accomplish this cooperative, dynamic rule of compensation. In the process e. g. a "Metabolism of Society Tax" (Stoffwechselsteuer) can be an aid.

Item 12 - Territories.

(1) The terrain, the earth, belongs to everybody and can only be rented temporary by the humanity.

(2) Under consideration on present relations, temporary arrangement can be hit, but must be limited to 99 years.

(3) Lending agreements can be inherited.

(4) Just under special circumstances a contract may be cancelled by site of the humanity,

(4.1) if the land is not protected / worked / used contractually,

(4.2) if from these territory act on the assumption war or another form of violence,

(4.3) if the human-interests demands it.

(4.a) For planning and implementation of ecological worthwhile distribution of territory a planetary committee will be established.

(5) In case of the termination of an agreement through no fault of one's own, a compensation has to be executed.

(5.1) About the amount of the compensation a case can become maintained.

(6) In case of paragraph 4.1 and 4.2 it has to occure a complete chain of evidence by the humanity.

(6.1) The one, who lends territory, can insist on appreciation of his evidences to the contrary.

(7) It is illegal to tax the territory for private purpose.

(8) Tax on commercial used territory is legal and 1% of the levied taxes is paid to the whole humanity to the aim of a planetary network.

Annotation to Item 12:
An essential criterion of the old regime is the property of the country and to administrate on this possession, resp. on the exertion of power to the people on this possession, the right of domination.

In feudal times, this was clearly observable. Peoples and communities of peoples were, according on the desire of the kings to marriage, reshaped and the people, themselves were hardly asked. Creation of law was exclusively allowed to vassals and destined lords, later on also to bourgeoisie. Factual even the implementation of democracy has essentially changed nothing. Indeed, it seems as if the non-landowner may, to a certain extent, also participate in the process of right-creation, but with the aid of the party-system a stratum between the poor and the rich, landowner and non-landowner was established, which inhibit an actually from the people coming legislation.

Strictly speaking and only using C. Schmitt's in 1948 referred to as modern construct of a Constitution as standard, there is most likely no country, which has linked its government in the form of a from all people in free self-determination constituted Constitution. It will take a longer process to change these affairs of the world. Therefore it was defined at Paragraph 1, that the earth, the land, belongs to everybody and yet a temporary arrangement is determinated directly in Paragraph 2, therewith the change is provoked under the insight of the people and not under the threat of violence.

The responsible people, who stand up for the welfare of their country and look after the country, should not experience any restrictiveness by the new structure of ownership, but continuing to stand up for the preservation of their country, also for generations in good tradition. Therefore Lending Agreements are inheritable by Paragraph 3.

Naturally such a rule can be abused, so that a right of termination has to be admitted to the humanity. In the same way there could be collective interests, which may necessitate the termination of a Lending Agreement (expropriation). Even though the common welfare is being elevated over the individual welfare, in Paragraph 4 due to Paragraph 5 and 6 result in different levels of controlling the decision.

In Paragraph 4.4 a planetary commitee for landscape management is defined and this might be quasi referred to as World Registry Office.

In Paragraph 7 + 8 the taxation of land is arranged. It is being differed in private and commercial used land. The whole purpose is to register the effect of land and, if necessary, to use in relation to a "Metabolism of Society Tax" (Stoffwechselsteuer) as parameter and also to regulate the financing of the world community.

Item 13 – Narrowness of the Earth.

(1) The limited materials on earth belongs to everybody. To use it right and in terms of the rights of humanity is a fundamental duty.

(2) Systems, which are necessary for the existential coverage of every human, get prior access to materials.

(3) Systems, which are destructive against the overall system earth, will be disestablished or transformed.

(4) Military will be disestablished resp. transformed into emergency management services, if it is necessary.

(5) Material flow will be optimized from linear to regenerative. (Circular Flow Economy)

(6) Material flow must become technically / scientifically examined and assessed on it's consequences concerning the human and the earth.

Annotation to Item 13:
If we perceive the earth and the humanity living on it as an entity, a “property-classification“ in terms of “the earth is owned by the humans“, or inverse, „the humans are owned by the earth“ is actually not possible anymore. However, the first Paragraph contains such an allocation, but it should only be expressed here, that all people have the same right to be free to access, to the systems, in which we are living. The human with his consciousness has the duty to serve up justice. So the phrasing after a change of our global community is probably to correct and shall currently make sure at first, how it's currently normal, that the availment with respect to property of resources has to be abolished. At the same time, every human is responsible for his consumption and in front of whom should they have the responsibilaty, if not for the other humans, with which he should share.

Participation on things and processes is even not just an one-sided concern, in which a demand is applied, but in which even also responsibility for the community evolves as well. In the community we have to bear responsibility, in particular in face of humans still dieing of hunger every day, that all humans are firstly secured in their livelihood. This basic addiction shall have the top priority and mustn't be achieved by a better allocation, but have to be achieved by the circulation of capacity to self-sufficiency. To this there is the second Paragraph, which ascribes a special value to this basic supply.

We have to assume that the previous systems were such inhumanly built due to the competitiveness, that a bulk of our problems are globaly generated by them. Therefore it is allowed in even two paragraphs to abolish resp. change those systems. The personal profit mustn't stand on the top of our list of priority any more.

In particular the military had caused here a considerable detriment on different levels. Not only by the destruction in wars, but also above all by the deprivation of ressources and intelligence from the civil sector as well. That is no more to accept. Admittedly, we have to arrange a transformation of this potential, otherwise we will hit on bulk resistence of the militarists, whose existence would be at risk then. So it must be created a conversion-plan, which enables a constant disarming and reforming. To stand up and demand -”the military must be gone” - is not only illusory, but also dangerous. In particular, it is also to regard coherence with the territorial titel of the government systems here. The more Constitiutional Borne Annexation exist, the less is the territorial fixation of power and the necessity of the millitary.

The conversion from the flow of substances, or differently expressed, the metabolism of the world as a whole, is extremely complex and is subject to constant conversions. Through the profit and power orientated construction of the previous community often result only causal coherences, in which the ends are floating free in the air and being left to one's own resources. This causes massive ecological problems (better: system problems). Here it is essential to increasingly use the cybernetics, so the lesson of regular cycles and to develop analytics and techniques, which makes the metabolism presentable and accountable. A possibility for this is the Metabolism of Society Tax as one of the somewhat accepted taxes, which we are knowing.

Item 14 - Information.

(1) Information belongs to everybody.

(2) It can only become shut away to minimize violence in a "partizipathiev" controlled way.

(3) To create educational opportunities for every human, is the duty of the community. These is to combine with an ethical component, so the human take the responsibility for their obtained freedom to knowledge.

(4) Learning is not limited to a finite time. Lifelong learning is an important cultural assets, which has to be assisted by the community, for this reason an ecologically firm earth can exist.

(5) The informational self-determination constrains the community and protects the privacy of the human.

Annotation to Item 14:
Information is the most important key factor of all social organisations. In the meantime it is alluded of an „energoinformativ“ array, as a priciple of ordinal, resp. discription, by which the material receives its shape. This approach demonstrates us the importance of information and should find its way in our ethical want. If in the previous human right charters it is written merely about basic law of education, then that is just about the absolute minimum which is expressed. The patent and copy right controls are in terms of greed of gain, under the sham of „intellectual property“, in the actual community a straitjacket of humanity and owing to the fact, that the competition paradigm does not aspire to an actual existential hedging. But if we use and realize the cooperation model for further discussion, than this problem of right reduces to a minimum, namely to the „hint of information“ and a duty of response at enhancement or change, as it is already usual in the „open-source-sector“.

An inventor in a competition community will jealously protect his invention for himself and his marketing ability, thus his greed of gain, and therefore knowledge will be just slowly published and an enforcement to marketing is established. An inventor in a cooperation community however takes stock in publishing his invention as fast as possible, because he will be quoted as source or initiater and therefore he can experience more reflux, so his researches get a boost. This fundamental different procedures demonstrate, how unnecessary copyrights and patents will become, when the social paradigm shift is performed. Everybody can imagine, for which enormous boost for the applied science this may stand for. Certainly the fundamental condition is the fulfillment of paragraph 11 to 13 to take away from every human the fear of losing one's livelihood with the existential basic assurance, which enables the competitive behavior in the first place. Therefore the simple phrase “divide and conquer“ is not just a “to set humans on each other“, not just a “have to delimit territory, to profit by the difference“, but rather at the same time a general onslaught on all kinds of humanity and the accummulation of community. That the freedom of information may have a limitation, is to consult by many advisements. So on the one hand the informational self-determination has to be respected and a private sector of humans has to be considered as fundamental secret without further grounds.

Accordingly other laws have to be tested, wheter the social claim or the private claim preponderates in the respective case. Paragraph 1 is restricted several times - as we read - and remains actual, because as the example of the hundredth monkey demonstrates, information goes paths, that we still cannot measure.

A limitation of freedom of information is certainly quite authorized, such as for the protection of privacy or the protection of young people. This takes us to the problem of the supervisory body and as a consequence the control of control...

Paragraph 2 demonstrates a path in the process with few but portentous words. Participate (“partizipatieve“) control is both, transparent and reachable for everybody to organize. Paragraph 3 and 4 show the assignments, which have to be achieved in a cooperative community concerning learning and education, in order, that the humans are in the position to bear this responsibility. It has to be the duty of the community to allocate the essential resources and structures.

Item 15 – Conditions for Cooperation.

(1) Free researches, free technological application and free virtual development is necessary to handle the upcoming complex problems.

(2) Spiritual or physical energy has to circulate freely. It's the only way for the humans to develop the necessary power for cooperation.

(3) Freedom is connected to responsibility and it says in the antedated articles, that all researches should be accomplished for the welfare of humans. No researches may be constrained or discontinued for profit.

(4) Ethical dubious research is not to be allowed to do.

(4.1) For estimation of the doubt a planetary ethical council will be created, which confer with the community.

(5) Wherever coorperation may be established, instead of money-transfer-systems, it should happen.

(6) For every human, there should be placed at the disposal a communication channel for information cooperation.

Annotation to Item 15:
In order to assess and employ this paragraph properly, it has to be clarified, that there is a difference between freedom and arbitrariness. This one is also mentioned in Paragraph 3, as it is written: “Freedom is connected to responsibility“. In this context the word freedom gets a deeper meaning, than it is existing in our up to now manipulated “world of languages“, in which freedom and arbitrariness are often used synonymously.

Paragraph 1 defines conditions, under which a cooperation can be established and at the same time this Paragraph reminds one, that we have to solve big problems, worldwide. And it is in this Paragraph a basic rule of Ashbee, who said: “The more complex the problem, the more complex has to become the answer“. There are humans, who affirm, that there were no problems. Well, who just looks away, cannot even see these.

Paragraph 2 defines an additional condition for coorperation, thereby just the solution is mentioned and not what disabled the solution so far. Here it is meant, that competition and the for competition required partitioning, like walls between the humans, take effect and therefore a free flow of energy as medium of cooperative activities is locked up. It may not be infered out of it, that always and everywhere energy flows arbitrarily but rather since freedom is connected to responsibility, that just not any delimination exists, where the involved can answer for it, to reach maximum freedom.

Paragraph 3 clarifies the concern - as noted before - and points once more at a special aspect, which references to Item 5 Paragraph 4 in the 1st Amendement.

Paragraph 4 and 4.1 are fundamentally problematic paragraphs, because here it cannot being regulated definitly. Therefore it is necessary to constitute a council, to close this lack of definition at least temporary. If the systems of the world have became small enough, so that these can be overseen and taken responsibility by the involved themselves, the council will have no more work to do. However it should continue to exist, because goodness knows, what kind of ethic tasks the technical replacements will give us in the future.

How this council will be established, what kind of transparence and control is essential for it, should be defined in the “constitution“ of this council. Cooperation has also ethical limitations, which have to be noted. If for instance a group of humans cooperates, who have a crime in mind, then this is a cooperation, that we cannot endorse.

As long as there is no secure, verifiable money-tranfer-system, thus proven in practice, is Paragraph 5 to see as a condition, which can repel the supremacy of the current private-moneysystems of central banks. Here is no rigorous abolishing aspired, but rather a flowing change of system.

If a monetary system collapse happens, nevertheless there will be a new currency at once, as it may be. In the worst case the world-debt-card will be established, but then this Paragraph is the sheet anchor against the total slavery. There will be in in some form tradeoff-procedures in a coorperation, which require a means of exchange. And therefore it is an important aspect of coorperation. We may say, the smaller the seperate systems are, the bigger the networking has to be, the bigger is the tradeoff-needs.

Paragraph 6 is a fundamental pre-condition for worldwide grassroots democracy or “Partizipathie“. This pre-condition enables networking for the purposes of cooperation and participation at the political process and the education of the humans. The claim of free access to a collective world communication is also the key for peace, because how conflicts should be solved, if it is not talked about these?

Hereby comes the 3rd Amendement to the letters to the people of the world into effect by the signing of the following signer.*1

Seershausen, 4th March 2010

*1 Go to the List:

Translated by the laymen: janca schiller and michael gens; lector: michael landgraf-roos. This is one accurate, but not normative translation; in case of doubt the German original text governs.

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Bis hierher aus dem Nexusboard übertragen, kann nun auch hier weiter diskutiert werden usf., wer denn ernsthaft interessiert ist. Dabei darf ruhig über das Gesamtbild geredet werden oder aber auch nur über die natürlichen Menschenrechte, wie sich ihre Wirksamkeit, ohne selbst unter Herrschaft zu stehen, für alle macht...

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